Newsletter August2023

A Joint Media Project of
International Press Syndicate Japan 
and Soka Gakkai International in Consultative Status with ECOSOC


BRICS Jumps to Africa’s Rescue

By Jeffrey Moyo

HARARE, Zimbabwe. 29 August 2023 (IDN) — The three-day BRICS Summit from 22-24 August 2023 in South Africa has raised hopes across the African continent that a new deal for development aid to Africa could be taking shape that will be more fair and equitable. For decades, critics have pointed out that Africa has been paying more to the West than it gets in terms of development loans. (P14) JAPANESE | SWAHILI

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India’s Karnataka State Has a New Approach to Feed the Hungry

By Manjushree Naik

MANIPAL, India. 21 August 2023 (IDN) — With India facing the prospect of a grain crisis, the state government of Karnataka in southern India has come up with a novel approach to keep to election promises by giving the poor money to buy the grains. (P13) GERMAN | JAPANESE

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Rainbow Warrior Sails the Pacific to Gather Evidence for World Court

By Sera Sefeti

SUVA, Fiji. 15 August 2023 (IDN) — International environmental campaign group Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior sailed across the Pacific waters, calling at ports collecting evidence to present to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also called the World Court, during a historic hearing in The Hague next year. (P 12) HINDI | JAPANESE

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Train credit Laos-China Railway Company Limited.

Will the Modern-Day Silk Road Bring Prosperity to Laos?

By Pattama VilailertVIENTIANE, Laos. 5 August 2023 (IDN) — When a China-built high-speed railway began operations in December 2021, Laos joined the modern-day Silk Road project that opened itself to trade and tourism opportunities across Asia. But many in the country doubt whether the land-locked nation would reap full benefits. (P11)  JAPANESE | INDONESIANCHINESE

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Published by
International Press Syndicate Japan 
Ichimura bldg. 4F, 3-2 Kanda Ogawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 101-0052

as part of a Joint Media Project with the
Soka Gakkai International
15-3 Samon-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0017, Japan

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