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Women Farmers

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Avustralya’nın Uluslararası Öğrenci Kontenjanlarını Azaltması: Gelecek Vaat Eden Zihinlere ve İşletmelere Darbe

Dr. Majid Khan Melbourne, Avustralya(London Post) - Avustralya hükümeti, konut...

Australia’s reduction in International student quotas: A blow to aspiring minds and businesses

By Dr. Majid Khan MELBOURNE, Australia (London Post) – The...

Comment les Femmes Bénévoles Façonnent l’Avenir de l’Eau en Inde

By Manipadma Jena BHUBANESWAR, Inde, 2 août 2024 (IPS) – “Les...

Helping farmers who help themselves

Nepal’s mountain farmers are already adapting to the impacts...

Le donne agricoltrici in Africa combattono l’impatto del cambiamento climatico

Di Ronald Joshua NEW YORK | BAMAKO (IDN): Fatou Dembele è un’agricoltrice del Mali, nel quale la metà della popolazione che si occupa di agricoltura...

Petani Wanita di Afrika Melawan Dampak Perubahan Iklim

Oleh Ronald Joshua NEW YORK | BAMAKO (IDN) – Fatou Dembele adalah seorang petani di negara Mali yang dikelilingi oleh daratan, di mana separuh populasinya...

Les agricultrices en Afrique luttent contre l’impact du changement climatique

Par Ronald Joshua NEW YORK | BAMAKO (IDN) - Fatou Dembele est agricultrice dans l’enclave du Mali, où la moitié de la population travaillant dans...

Women Farmers in Africa Fight Impact of Climate Change

By Ronald Joshua NEW YORK | BAMAKO (IDN) – Fatou Dembele is a farmer in landlocked Mali, where half of the population engaged in agriculture...


Australia’s reduction in International student quotas: A blow to aspiring minds and businesses

By Dr. Majid Khan MELBOURNE, Australia (London Post) – The...

Comment les Femmes Bénévoles Façonnent l’Avenir de l’Eau en Inde

By Manipadma Jena BHUBANESWAR, Inde, 2 août 2024 (IPS) – “Les...

Helping farmers who help themselves

Nepal’s mountain farmers are already adapting to the impacts...


作者:马尼帕德玛耶拿 印度布巴内斯瓦尔(IPS)——「布巴内斯瓦尔贫民窟的唯一供水点每天都会发生争吵,那里有数百户家庭依赖这个单一的非饮用水源,现在已经成为过去」.  一个大型志工组织的成员阿帕娜·昆蒂亚(Aparna Khuntia) 说。该组织在确保印度东部城市的家庭,目前拥有24 小时可用自来水方面,发挥了重要的推动作用。 对于印度东部邦奥里萨邦的首府城市内,大量涌入城市的农村移民来说,这项成就绝非易事。根据政府数据,奥里萨邦 886 万个农村家庭中,三分之一有外移人口,其中有七成留在该邦内,而这些人多数集中在奥里萨邦快速发展的首府城市。 对于新进入城市的移民来说,他们可能会用废弃的广告横幅和几根竹竿搭建一个庇护所,但获得水,更不用说饮用水,仍然是一个巨大的挑战。 36 岁的Khuntia 告诉本报导:「即使到了2019...