INPS Japan

Climate Change

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2024 Is The Hottest Year Ever Recorded

By Oritro Karim UNITED NATIONS (IPS) - The World Meteorological Organization (WMO)...

Afghan Women Vow To Resist Taliban Oppression Until Freedom Is Achieved

The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with...

Camps of Death, Terror: Syrian Survivors Face Long Road To Recovery

By Sonia Al Ali IDLIB, Syria (IPS) - Detained without trial for...

Winter smog adds to pollution woes in India, Pakistan

【New Delhi INPS Japan/ SciDev.Net=Ranjit Debraj】 With cities in India and...

Civil Society Groups Concerned Over Implementation of Paris Agreement

By Rita Joshi BONN | NEW DELHI 11 July 2023 (IDN) — More than 125 civil society groups have expressed concerns that big polluters continue emitting under...

The Caribbean: Climate Change Triggers Water Crisis, Financing Exacerbates

By Linda Hutchinson-Jafar PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, 29 June 2023 (IDN) — With an estimated 4 billion people facing water scarcity around the world, a...

Climate Change Threatens Tourism Industry in the Caribbean

By Linda Hutchinson-Jafar PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, 26 April 2023 (IDN) — The Caribbean, a popular tourist destination known for its sun-kissed beaches, tranquil waters,...

Climate Change Threatens Tourism Industry in the Caribbean – CHINESE

气候变化威胁加勒比旅游业 作者:琳达-哈钦森-贾法尔 特立尼达和多巴哥西班牙港,2023 年 4 月 26 日(IDN)–加勒比海,一个以阳光亲吻的海滩、宁静的水域和充满活力的文化而闻名的旅游胜地,正面临着气候变化带来的破坏性影响所造成的严酷现实。 作为许多加勒比岛屿的重要经济命脉,旅游业正面临着生存危机,因为全球变暖对该地区脆弱的生态系统、基础设施和社区生计造成了损害。随着海平面的上升、风暴的加剧和珊瑚礁的恶化,加勒比旅游业的未来岌岌可危,必须采取紧急行动和适应措施来保护这一深受喜爱的旅游胜地。 加勒比酒店与旅游协会主席尼古拉 Madden-Greig 强调,旅游业是加勒比地区的主要经济驱动力,也是全球最依赖旅行和旅游业的地区。”她在接受 IDN 采访时说:”气候变化导致的旅游业衰退将破坏整体经济,直接影响农业、制造业、运输业和创意产业等其他行业。 2019 年,全球十个最依赖旅游业的国家中有八个位于加勒比地区。根据世界旅行和旅游理事会(WTTC)的数据,2010 年至 2019 年期间,虽然该行业 3% 的年均增长率超过了 1.3% 的地区经济增长率,但却低于 4.2% 的全球旅行和旅游平均增长率。 根据世界旅行和旅游理事会目前的增长轨迹预测,在未来十年内,加勒比地区的旅行和旅游(T&T)国内生产总值(GDP)年均增长率将达到 5.5%,是整体经济增长率(2.4%)的两倍多。预计到 2032 年,T&T 的就业岗位将以年均...

Uma promessa de 100 biliões de dólares para combater as alterações climáticas falha em materializar

Por Thalif Deen NAÇÕES UNIDAS (IDN) - Na conferência internacional Estocolmo+50, realizada na Suécia no início de Junho, o Secretário-Geral da ONU António Guterres expressou o...


Afghan Women Vow To Resist Taliban Oppression Until Freedom Is Achieved

The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with...

Camps of Death, Terror: Syrian Survivors Face Long Road To Recovery

By Sonia Al Ali IDLIB, Syria (IPS) - Detained without trial for...

Winter smog adds to pollution woes in India, Pakistan

【New Delhi INPS Japan/ SciDev.Net=Ranjit Debraj】 With cities in India and...

Islamischer Extremismus und Terrorismus: Eine große Bedrohung für Freiheit und Demokratie in Europa

【Vienna INPS Japan=Aurora Weiss】 Im Jahr 2030 wird Europa 60...