INPS Japan

#Project 03

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Made in Nepal peanut butter in Japan

A Japanese social entrepreneur brings skills and income to...

Crise climática agrava problemas no oeste do Nepal

Castigado por ondas de calor e seca, o oeste...

Climate breakdown magnifies western Nepal’s woes

Parched by heatwave and drought, Western Nepal is running...

UN’s Development Goals: Rich Nations Lead While World’s Poor Lag Far Behind

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS (IPS) - When the 193-member UN General...

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Crise climática agrava problemas no oeste do Nepal

Castigado por ondas de calor e seca, o oeste...

Climate breakdown magnifies western Nepal’s woes

Parched by heatwave and drought, Western Nepal is running...

UN’s Development Goals: Rich Nations Lead While World’s Poor Lag Far Behind

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS (IPS) - When the 193-member UN General...

Need for Optimal Multilateral Cooperation as SDGs Matter for Our Health

By Tetsuo Kondo Specially-appointed Professor, Kyoto University Former Director...